Thursday, February 5, 2009

Slater Rory McKnight

Four years ago today we still lived in the Chicago area, newly married and welcomed our first puppy (a cairn (terror) terrier) into our cozy apartment home. We named him Slater (after Kelly Slater the surfer) Rory (I thought he was not too cute, so the "ugly" name fit) McKnight. He weighed in at a hefty 3 lbs and was so tiny he could not jump up on the curb in the parking lot. He was a source of constant energy and ALWAYS into something. Today he has calmed down (to say the least) and definitely does not weigh 3lbs anymore. We love you Slateman!


Anonymous said...

Give Slateman a pinch for me.

Sarah said...

He was a hyper boy, wasn't he? Glad he's such a wonderful doggy!

Anonymous said...

Awww, this is sweet. Slater is a special dog:) I hope he and Aksel grow up to be good buddies.

Jessica said...

Happy Birthday Slater!!
Love - Cousin Cody